Transmission and distribution

Přenos přeprava a distribuce elektřiny

Transmission and distribution

Energy is delivered to consumer through transmission and distribution networks in the case of electricity and gas, or through a district heating system in the case of heat.

All the above stated systems have its technical, legislative and economical particularities. Companies from these fields must have a comprehensive knowledge of the European and Czech regulation that is strongly associated with this business.

Apart from the considerable familiarity with related legislation, Euroenergy contributes to the development of smart grids in the Czech Republic. From its early beginnings we participate in project National Action Plan for Smart Grids (NAP SG) which is focused on indispensable development of the Czech power grid that is crucial for safe integration of decentralized intermittent sources into power grid.


  • Analyses of the Czech and European legislation
    • Observing of legislation development
    • Impact assessment of planned legislation changes
  • Preparation and coordination of strategic documents in the above stated areas (National Action Plans, etc.)
  • Market analyses
  • Analyses in the field of smart technologies (cost-benefit analyses)
  • Technical-economic evaluation of planned projects


Our clients are the operators of the above stated systems and other companies which play an important role in these fields.


Integration of DECE and DSR into the grid balancing

This study was focused on the definition of measures for the integration of decentralized power sources (DECE) (including wind farms, solar power plants and cogeneration plants), consumption - demand side response (DSR) including electromobility into the grid balancing from the TSO’s perspective.


The role of electricity distributor in terms of future electricity market

This project was focused on an analysis of the initial conditions, needs and possible measures to keep the role of electricity distributor within E.ON DIstribuce, a.s. in terms of future electricity market taking into consideration its changes in a mid-term horizon.


National Action Plan for Smart Grids

The objective of this project was an expert assistance, administration and coordination of National Action Plan for Smart Grids, which includes a description of the Czech and EU’s legislative framework, balance of the Czech power system and its flexibility taking into account the new technologies.

Furthermore, market model and its possible transformation as well as current and possible future model of regulation including tariffs were addressed.

