Renewable energy sources


Renewable energy sources

Construction and operation of renewable energy sources (RES) is currently very dynamically growing area of ​​energy sector.

For successful completion of own renewable energy source realization it is necessary to have expertise in the area of technical solution, legislation, regulation, state aid, cross-subsidies, notification, financing, public hearing, supplier selection and obtaining of investment or operating aid.

Euroenergy has experience in the preparation of more than a hundred projects, and therefore has created sufficient know-how to solve wide range of problems and investor requirements.

Euroenergy has been involved in renewable energy sources for many years. We are dedicated to the issue of renewable energy sources from the perspective of an investor, as well as state authorities (in terms of legislation, the objectives laid down by European directives and national plans). Because of current process of market consolidation we process assessments for banks and potential investors for the purpose of refinancing or sale / purchase.


  • Elaboration of assessments and feasibility studies of RES projects (mainly photovoltaic power plant, wind power plant, biogas, biomass) for investors or financial institutions
    • Evaluation of RES projects feasibility (mainly photovoltaic power plant, wind power plant, biogas, biomass)
    • Assessment of project preparation, realization and commissioning (for financing purposes) in terms of technical solution, fulfilment of project time schedule, compliance with planned budget and connection to the distribution system
    • Identification of risks that could negatively affect continuation and assumptions of the project; confirmation of compliance with all legal standards for construction and sale of electricity, legislation, regulation, state aid, cross-subsidies, notification etc.
  • Control of RES projects realization (investors technical supervision and financial institutions)
  • Assessment of projects for refinancing
  • Carrying out the analyses and studies on RES in the Czech Republic
  • Drafting the legislation on RES
    • Drafting the legislation (acts and decrees) in area of renewable energy sources, co-ordination of the work of project teams and project management


Our clients are companies that prepare or operate renewable sources, as well as financing institutions and state authorities in legislative area.


Analysis of new instruments in the UK Electricity Market Reform

The analysis was focused on the reform of the UK electricity market (UK Electricity Market Reform), including various reform measures: Carbon Price Floor, Emissions Performance Standard, Contracts for Difference, Capacity Market.


Preparation, realization and operation valuation of photovoltaic power plant projects in the Czech Republic

Due diligence of photovoltaic power plants projects with total installed power output more than 20 MW, periodic assessments of production, costs and reserves.


National action plan for renewable energy sources

Preparation, project management and coordination of the National action plan for renewable energy sources in line with the Directive 2009/28/ES of European Parliament and Council

