
Castle Mělník

Castle Mělník

The conferences are attended by approximately two hundred persons from the Czech Republic and abroad (Slovak Republic, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Austria, United Kingdom, France, Belgium). Participants come from various energy, gas and heating companies, ministries, banks and consulting companies both from the Czech Republic and abroad. The speakers include representatives of government bodies, European institutions (European Commission, European Parliament), international institutions (International Energy Agency), domestic and foreign experts dealing with Czech energy sector issues, as well as strategic investors active in the area.

The first two conferences (1995, 1997) were organized solely by Euroenergy under the patronage of the Czech Ministry of Trade and Industry. The third conference (1999) was organized in co-operation with REAS (eight regional energy distribution companies) and ČEZ, a. s. The fourth and the firth conference (2001, 2003) were organized in co-operation with REAS, ČEZ, a. s. and ČEPS, a.s. The conference held in 2005 was organized in co-operation with companies ČEPS, a.s., ČEZ, a. s., E.ON Česká republika, a.s., Pražská energetika, a.s., Severočeská energetika, a.s., Severomoravská energetika, a.s., Středočeská energetická a.s., Východočeská energetika, a.s. and Západočeská energetika, a.s. The conference held in 2007 was organized in co-operation with companies ČEPS, a.s., ČEZ, a. s., E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o., Operátor trhu s elektřinou, a.s. and Pražská energetika, a.s. The conference (2009) was organized in co-operation with companies ČEPS, a.s., ČEZ Distribuce, a. s., E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o., Operátor trhu s elektřinou, a.s. and Pražská energetika, a.s. The tenth (2013) and ninth (2011) annual conferences were organized in co-operation with companies ČEPS, a.s., ČEZ Distribuce, a. s., E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o., OTE, a.s. and PREdistribuce, a.s.

The conferences, which traditionally take place at the picturesque Castle Mělník, are always an invaluable source of information, and at the same time an opportunity for exclusive meetings in an unconventional conference environment.
