Economics and financing of energy projects

ekonomika a financování projektů v energetice

Economics and financing of energy projects

is an important area that decides about the project implementation/cancellation, the way of its implementation as well as the period after completion of the project and its commissioning.

Our company is focused on economics and project financing in relation to the project management. Within the project preparatory phase we propose in project financing such procedures that leads to successful project realization.

Through economic analysis we verify economics and feasibility of project.

We have experiences from a number of preparatory projects of new power plants and reconstruction of existing power plants. Part of these projects was a feasibility study elaboration to verify the project from all necessary aspects, including the financing and economics of the project.

We also provide assessment of projects under implementation and annual evaluation of already completed projects for financing institutions purposes (especially in the field of renewables).

For our clients we elaborate prediction of prices, cost analyses, asset valuation.


  • Economic models and analyses
  • Costs analyses
  • Financing proposals
  • Asset valuation
  • Price predictions


Our clients are companies that prepare and operate renewable energy sources, as well as clients in the field of conventional sources and nuclear energy, distribution and transmission system operators, banks and other producers (e.g. heating power plants).


Feasibility study of electric boiler for providing of ancillary services

The study focused on assessing the possibility of electric heating plant in ŠKO-Energy, which would be used to provide ancillary services. This feasibility study also included project financing proposal and economic analysis.


Cost analysis and pricing of energy from waste combustion in SAKO Brno

The study was focused on describing the current state of pricing, analysis of the legislation in CHP costs structuring and preparation of methodology for classification of costs in the waste incineration plant.


Annual inspection report of photovoltaic power plant

Elaboration of annual inspection report for financing institution purposes valuating: technical solution including risks assessment, power plant operation, compliance with contract for works and loan agreement, planned investment and repairs for the following period, annual operating costs, reserve fund contributions, current status of the plant and performance ratio calculation propriety for the previous year.

